medieval in a sentence - Use "medieval" in a sentence 1. As in the case of the other medieval Jewish philosophers little is known of his life. All Rights Reserved. The medieval form of association was incompatible with the new ideas of individual liberty and free competition, with the greater separation of capital and industry, employers and workmen, and with the introduction of the factory system. These cookies do not store any personal information. Like "Brazil," it dates from a period anterior to the discovery of the New World, "Antilia," as stated above, being one of those mysterious lands, which figured on the medieval charts sometimes as an archipelago, sometimes as continuous land of greater or lesser extent, constantly fluctuating in mid-ocean between the Canaries and East India. 5. Hugo Grotius's De Veritate Christianae Religionis (1627) is partly the medieval tradition: - Oppose Mahommedans and Jews! Another interesting building is the Gothic chapel of Notre-Dame, with three naves, rebuilt by Louis XI., standing close to a medieval bridge over the Sienne. 199+14 sentence examples: 1. Mappa mundi was the medieval Latin for a map of the world which the ancients called Tabula totius orbis descriptionem Topographical maps and plans are drawn on a scale sufficiently large to enable the draughtsman to show most objects on a scale true to nature. Information and translations of Medieval in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The medieval times were an age when a human being wasn't free. Gawain (Welwain, Welsh Gwalchmai), Arthur's nephew, who in medieval romance remains the type of knightly courage and chivalry, until his character is degraded in order to exalt that of Lancelot. the N.W., the medieval castle on its mound (partly artificial and not a strong position, according to Istakhri) being almost deserted but still forbidden to visitors. In medieval times Southampton owed its importance to the fact that it was the chief port of Winchester. The high reputation it had in medieval times is attested by the numerous translations, commentaries and imitations of it which then appeared. Another word for medieval. Ireland, Iona, the Culdees, &c.) from the early centuries of church history and throughout the medieval ages down to the Reformation of the 16th century. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A Glossary of medieval terms Affinity: The following of a lord: Acre: The area of land that can be ploughed by one ox team in a day: Advowson: Right to appoint a clergyman to a vacant benefice, theorectical to make a recommendation to the Bishop: Amercement: Financial penalty imposed by the King or his justices for various minor offences. It is oval in shape, and retains its medieval fortifications. On the history of Cyprus, see Stubbs, Lectures on Medieval and Modern History, 156-208. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. The medieval church despised the body and exalted the spirit. For the medieval versions of Phaedrus and their derivatives see L. (1872); and especially the learned work of Hervieux, Les Fabulistes latins depuis le siecle d'Auguste jusqu'a la fin du moyen age (Paris, 1884), who gives the Latin texts of all the medieval imitators (direct and indirect) of Phaedrus, some of them being published for the first time. Examples of medieval period in a sentence, how to use it. The king's ardent desire that diversities of minds and opinions should be done away with and unity be " charitably established " was further promoted by publishing in 1543 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, set forth by the King's Majesty of England, in which the tenets of medieval theology, except for denial of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome and the unmistakable assertion of the supremacy of the king, were once more restated. This letter corresponds to the second symbol in the Phoenician alphabet, and appears in the same position in all the European alphabets, except those derived, like the Russian, from medieval Greek, in which the pronunciation of this symbol had changed from b to v. It is true that in Roman Catholicism, in medieval as in modern times, the working of miracles has been ascribed to its saints; but the character of most of these miracles is such as to lack the a priori probability which has been claimed for the Scripture miracles. below Ponte a Serraglio, is the medieval Ponte del Diavolo (1322) with its lofty central arch. Thus the medieval and modern crowns may be considered as radiated diadems, and so the diadem and crown have become, as it were, merged in one another. India and China have not been so relatively powerful since medieval times. The latter seen from a distance resembles a medieval castle crowning a hill-top. The town contains many picturesque medieval towers and houses. , For centuries, kings ruled Medieval Europe with iron fists. In itself a product of the medieval conception of the fool who figured so largely in the Shrovetide and other pageants, it differs entirely from the general allegorical satires of the preceding centuries. Thus they may be said to be a link between the barbarian shaman and the magus of medieval times. Examples of Medieval in a sentence Medieval feasts were thrown for royalty and nobles during the Middle Ages. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 6th, 1907), probably the longest and most argumentative papal utterance extant, also aims primarily at Loisy, although here the vehemently scholastic redactor's determination to piece together a strictly coherent, complete a priori system of "Modernism" and his self-imposed restriction to medieval categories of thought as the vehicles for describing essentially modern discoveries and requirements of mind, make the identification of precise authors and passages very difficult. This so-called biography of the medieval adventurer who raised himself by personal ability and military skill to the tyranny of several Tuscan cities must be regarded in the light of an historical romance. We may grant further that the medieval offices have been deliberately altered to exclude this view. The later medieval system, thus inaugurated, may be considered (1) in its hierarchy, (2) in the subject matter of its jurisdiction, (3) in its penalties. Annales Moslemici, 5 vols., Copenhagen, 1789-91), he collected a veritable treasure of sound and original research; he knew the Byzantine writers as thoroughly as the Arabic authors, and was alike at home in modern works of travel in all languages and in ancient and medieval authorities. He grew up resolved to emulate the medieval knights who had reconquered Portugal from the Moors. Examples of medieval literature in a sentence, how to use it. In spite, therefore, of the encyclopaedic tradition which has persisted from Aristotle through the Arab and medieval schools down to Herbert Spencer, it is forced upon us in our own day that in a pursuit so manysided as medicine, whether in its scientific or in its practical aspect, we have to submit more and more to that division of labour which has been a condition of advance in all other walks of life. This explains the fact that in collections of medieval homilies that have come down to us, no two renderings of the Biblical text used are ever alike, not even Wycliffe himself making use of the text of the commonly accepted versions that went under his name. This was the original of all the medieval forms of oath more judaico, which still prevailed in many European lands till the 19th century, and are even now maintained by some of the Rumanian courts. Medieval Christian synchronists make Cuchulinn's death take place about the beginning of the Christian era. They are, with one exception, written on parchment and contain lives of saints, &c., the exception being a legal document. But the corporation which is mentioned in medieval records is not that of the town of Romford, but of the liberty of Havering. Many of the principal medieval attempts in apologetics are directed chiefly against him, e.g. of this lies the 14th-century castle of Vincigliata restored and fitted up in the medieval style. The care and expense lavished upon these highly ornate structures would have been deemed extravagant even in medieval Europe. It was like a prisoner's cell in some medieval castle. 2 : having a quality (such as cruelty) associated with the Middle Ages. 11.60 also appears as the foot of some medieval English buildings (25). Its succession of word pictures, conventional and yet vigorous as the illuminations of a medieval manuscript, and in their very conventionality free from all thought of literary presentation, must charm all readers. By Descartes the principle was used as an instrument of scepticism, the beneficent scepticism of pulling down medieval philosophy to make room for modern science; by Berkeley it was used to combat the materialists; by Hume in the cause of scepticism once more against the intellectual dogmatists; by Kant to prepare a justification for a noumenal sphere to be apprehended by faith; by J. Two medieval castles rise above the town, and there are some churches of interest. A far more probable explanation of their name "Chretiens" is to be found in the fact that in medieval times all lepers were known as pauperes Christi, and that, Goths or not, these Cagots were affected in the middle ages with a particular form of leprosy or a condition resembling it. 251 (reprinted in Clark's Medieval Military Architecture), 5th series, vi. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In this case, middle means "between the Roman empire and the Renaissance"—that is, after … It was the custom of the medieval preachers and writers to give their own English version of any text which they quoted, not resorting as in later times to a commonly received translation. The story has a medieval origin, and it was almost simultaneously treated in Italian by Machiavelli, Straparola and Giovanni Brevio. relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages. PRESTER JOHN, a fabulous medieval Christian monarch of Asia. It is a prettily situated old-fashioned place,with an Evangelical and two Roman Catholic churches, one of the latter, that of St Peter, a striking medieval edifice. Medieval ceremonies are described as useful but without power to remit sins. He was one of the evil demons of the seven planets, the Maskim of the ancient Akkadian religion, a conception transmitted through the Chaldeans, the Babylonians and the Jewish Kabbala to medieval and modern astrologers and magicians. use "medieval" in a sentence In medieval Europe, powdered gold was mixed into drinks to comfort sore limbs. They made it clear that they still held a great part of the beliefs of the medieval Church, especially as represented in Augustine's writings, and repudiated the radical notions of the Anabaptists and of Zwingli. A similar rock was named obsianus by medieval writers, from its resemblance to a rock discovered in Ethiopia by one Obsius. He had an unbounded admiration for Erasmus, with whom he entered into correspondence, and from whom he received a somewhat chilling patronage; whilst the brilliant humanist, Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494), taught him to criticize, in a rationalizing way, the medieval doctrines of Rome. Higher up is the castle, which now shows no traces of fortifications older than medieval; it commands a fine view of the town and of the mountains which encircle it. To Frederick William these came as a complete surprise, and, rudely awakened from his medieval dreamings, he even allowed himself to be carried away for a while by the popular tide. In the medieval inventories are sometimes found albae, described as red, blue or black; which has led to the belief that albs were sometimes not only made of stuffs other than linen, but were coloured. The treasure, preserved in the former chapter-house, is rich in reliquaries, vestments and other objects of medieval church. For the ancient and medieval history of the lily, see M. The great medieval canon lawyer Lyndwood illustrates the difficulty of distinguishing, even as late as the middle of the 15th century, between concubinage and a clandestine, though legal, marriage. Though restricted to the citadel, the medieval town became the administrative and ecclesiastical capital of Peloponnesus, and enjoyed a thriving trade and silk industry until in 1147 it was sacked by the Normans. My major is medieval European history. Yet the discussions he aroused, the attacks he made upon the institutions of the medieval Church, and especially the position he assigned to the Scriptures as the exclusive source of revealed truth, serve to make the development of Protestantism under Henry VIII. in 1215, was the most brilliant and the most numerously attended of all, and marks the culminating point of a pontificate which itself represents the zenith attained by the medieval papacy. It may be said generally that Catharism formed the abiding background of medieval heresy. In spite of that, Lydgate is characteristically medieval - medieval in his prolixity, his platitude, his want of judgment and his want of taste; medieval also in his pessimism, his Mariolatry and his horror of death. (r) Midrashic. The medieval church had spanned the centuries by supposing that Christ's death was continuous down through the age in the sacrifice of the Mass; Protestant theology had nothing equivalent. - An introduction to theology… It is an old town still partly surrounded by medieval walls, and its most noteworthy buildings are the Roman Catholic parish church (12th and 13th centuries); the Carmelite church (1318), the former castle, now used for administrative offices; the Evangelical church (1851, enlarged in 1887); and the former Benedictine monastery of the Marienberg, founded 1123 and since 1839 a hydropathic establishment, crowning a hill Too ft. In medieval times, humiliating a criminal was often used as a form of punishments. In medieval times the Propylaea served (Redrawn from the Athenische Mitteilungen by permission of the Kaiserliches Archaeologisches Institut.) Its remains are scanty, as its site has been covered by the great medieval fortress of Monocastro or Akkerman. In North Africa, probably in the 9th century, appeared the book known under the name of Eldad ha-Dani, giving an account of the ten tribes, from which much medieval legend was derived; 2 and in Kairawan the medical and philosophical treatises of Isaac Israeli, who died in 932. A single line of wall, with medieval round towers at intervals, runs on the north side from the present town to Civitavecchia (2055 ft.), on the site of the ancient citadel. 0. Like the custom of medieval. 11.60 also appears as the foot of some medieval English buildings (25). SCHOLASTICISM, the name usually employed to denote the most typical products of medieval thought. The longer efforts partake of the nature of translations from sundry medieval compilations like those of Guido di Colonna and Boccaccio, which are in Latin. Yet we may say that this was its salvation; for the struggle against Luther drove the papacy back to its ecclesiastical duties, and the council of Trent established medieval dogma as the doctrine of modern Catholicism in contradistinction to Protestantism. She couldn't tell them apart yet and looked around to determine if this courtyard was the one near the medieval cafeteria or not. The Franko-Papal alliance, which conferred a crown on Pippin and sovereign rights upon the see of Rome, held within itself that ideal of mutually Charles supporting papacy and empire which exercised so the iireat powerful an influence in medieval history. In medieval romance he became a prominent figure in the tale of Troilus and Cressida. This insult has very grave consequences when spoken during medieval times. I was deeply impressed with the medieval music. click for more sentences of medieval: 34. 76. The accounts of medieval thought given by Ritter, Erdmann and Ueberweg in their general histories of philosophy are exceedingly good. In medieval France the significance of the title of count varied with the power of those who bore it; in modern France it varies with its historical associations. The medieval Arabians invented our system of numeration and developed algebra. are medieval and are written chiefly in Greek letters, and in form and character resemble Coptic. The Reformation, the religious wars and the Revolution have swept away nearly all the canons regular, but some of their houses in Austria still exist in their medieval splendour. The aspect of Siena during these meetings is very characteristic, and the whole festivity bears a medieval stamp in harmony with the architecture and history of the town. This is the second great period of the development of Polish literature, which has known nothing of medieval romanticism. 0. If to these causes be added a certain exclusiveness, which refused to meet a would-be convert more than half-way, we find no difficulty in accounting for the reluctance which the medieval and modern synagogue has felt on the subject. "M n,, later 'EMa), an ancient town of Lucania, Italy, on the hill now crowned by the medieval castle of Castellammare della Bruca, 440 ft. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Albi occupies a commanding position on the left bank of the Tarn; it is united to its suburb of La Madeleine on the right bank by a medieval and a modern bridge. Thereafter his bestsellers explored medieval Spain, ancient Greece and wherever. The mention of Christian theology may remind us that, for the majority of theists in medieval and modern times, theism proper has ranked only as a secondary wisdom. Some of the streets remain much as they were in the medieval period, and many of the houses display more or less of Norman decoration. Legislation had to be entirely reformed, and the bill for abolIshing the special jurisdiction for the clergy (foro ecclesiastico) and other medieval privileges aroused the bitter opposition of the Vatican as well as of the Piedmontese clericals. ROBERT OF TORIGNI (c. 1110-1186), medieval chronicler, was prior of Bee in 1149, and in 1154 became abbot of Mont St. The other old Greek cities, as well as those of medieval Italy and Germany, would supply us with endless examples of the various ways in which privileged orders arose. It was a bold conception - too bold for the medieval world, for which faith was primarily the obligation to believe. About 1200 a collection of fables in Latin prose, based partly on Romulus, was made by the Cistercian monk Odo of Sherrington; they have a strong medieval and clerical tinge. Bouillon is the only town on its banks, and since it is not navigable it has escaped the contamination of manufacturing life; its valley remains an ideal specimen of sylvan scenery and medieval tranquillity. In medieval Europe, powdered gold was mixed into drinks to comfort sore limbs. One of the most ancient towns in Thuringia, Saalfeld, once the capital of the extinct duchy of Saxe-Saalfeld, is still partly surrounded by old walls and bastions, and contains some interesting medieval buildings, among them being a palace,, built in 1679 on the site of the Benedictine abbey of St Peter, which was destroyed during the Peasants' War. There is considerable reason to think, however, that the more frequent ports of call in the Straits of Malacca were situated in Sumatra, rather than on the shores of the Malay Peninsula, and two famous medieval travellers, Marco Polo and Ibn Batuta, both called and wintered at the former, and make scant mention of the latter. 24 examples: Both strands continue into the medieval period. Jewish orthodoxy found itself attacked by the more revolutionary aspects of mysticism and its tendencies to alter established customs. medieval in a sentence - Use "medieval" in a sentence 1. The medieval mind was only too prone to look on morality as a highly technical art, quite as difficult as medicine or chancery law - a path where wayfaring men were certain to err, with no guide but their unsophisticated conscience. The medieval castle belongs to the Odescalchi family. By the Middle Ages, the importance of the castle was undeniable. The medieval Torre Boacciana marks approximately the mouth of the river in Roman times. The town has a medieval appearance, many old houses decorated with beautiful wood-carving still surviving. The word " Bible," which in English, as in medieval. , Knights were some of the most important people during medieval times. Show More Sentences In the later medieval period there was a general increase in the numbers of educational institutions as well as increasing use by the laity. Its medieval history consists of struggles between the native sovereigns and Tamil invaders. Upon that was raised a wall of rough rubble rudely faced with stone and flint, evidently a medieval work and about 22 ft. Kaufbeuren is still surrounded by its medieval walls and presents a picturesque appearance. There were crude medieval notions that fossils were " freaks " or " sports " of nature (lusus naturae), or that they represented failures of a creative force within the earth (a notion of Greek and Arabic origin), or that larger and smaller fossils represented the remains of races of giants or of pygmies (the mythical idea). 2. In short, the English reformers knew very well that the ordinal and communion office which they drew up could not satisfy the requirements of medieval theology. 24 examples: Both strands continue into the medieval period. Sarno has the ruins of a medieval castle, which belonged to Count Francesco Coppola, who took an important part in the conspiracy of the barons against Ferdinand of Aragon in 1485. Some continental writers, in dealing with the origin of municipal government throughout western Europe, have, however, ascribed too much importance to the Anglo-Saxon gilds, exaggerating their prevalence and contending that they form the germ of medieval municipal government. See more. The medieval town occupies a long narrow hill running N. that of the prince as representing within the limits of his dominions the monarchy of God over all things, culminated in the 17th century in the doctrine of the divine right of kings, and was defined in the famous dictum of Louis XIV. They not only formed one of the bridges by which the medieval thinkers got back to Plato and Aristotle; they determined the scientific method of thirty generations, and they partly created and partly nourished the Christian mysticism of the middle ages. high, and the town is thoroughly medieval in appearance. The medieval studies which Wagner had begun for his work at the libretto of Tannhauser bore rich fruit in his next opera Lohengrin, in which he also developed his principles on a larger scale and with a riper technique than hitherto. He was the friend and patron of scholars, caused manuscripts to be copied and medieval poems to be collected. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. In addressing the German nobility Luther had refrained from taking up theological or religious doctrines; but in September 1520 he attacked the whole sacramental system of the medieval Church in his Babylonish Captivity of the Church. The most interesting churches are those of St Mary and of St Blasius, dating respectively from the 14th and the 12th century; the town-hall is also a fine medieval structure. The modern city of Rhodes is in general the work of the Knights of St John, and has altogether a medieval aspect. Thus one of the most important of all medieval ecclesiastical institutions, monasticism, came to an end in England. According to the Canon Law, which "was the ecclesi- Pers f - astical law of medieval Europe, and is still the law of heretics. (2) While it had been held as an undoubted principle by the ancient church that this sentence could only be passed on living individuals whose fault had been distinctly stated and fully proved, we find the medieval church on the one hand sanctioning the practice of excommunication of the dead (Morinus, De poenit. In medieval and modern Greek, however, this has become the unvoiced sound represented in English by th in thin, thick, pith. It is, as it were, the great temple of medieval science, whose floor and walls are inlaid with an enormous mosaic of skilfully arranged passages from Latin, Greek, Arabic, and even Hebrew authors. The development of the art of war, and the growth of a systematic taxation, are two debts which medieval Europe also owed to the Crusades. Historically speaking, it is indisputable that the practice of Indulgences in the medieval p4 +p2 C1C2(L1L2 M 2) + church arose out of the authoritative remission, in exceptional cases, of a certain proportion of this canonical penalty. Early 19th century from modern Latin medium aevum ‘middle age’+ -al. Send. (a) During the first twenty years of the 16th century the reform of Latin instruction was carried out by setting aside the old medieval grammars, by introducing new manuals of classical literature, and by prescribing the study of classical authors and the imitation of classical models. Its name figures conspicuously in the military annals of medieval and recent times; and it is specially memorable for the overthrow of the Turks by the imperial forces in 1689 and for the crushing defeat of the hospodar Michael Sustos by Pasvan Oglu in 1801. For curious instances of the part played by the ass in medieval church festivals see the article Fools, Feast Of. There is also a great amount of medieval and other data showing this cubit of 21.6 to have been familiar to the Jews after their captivity; but there is no evidence for its earlier date, as there is for the 25 in. Rules of conduct such as entails and tenures in mortmain into the medieval Ponte del Diavolo ( 1322 ) its. Which runs like a prisoner 's cell in some medieval English buildings 25. South boulevards with gardens follow the line of the medieval period brick concrete. Scholars, caused manuscripts to be derived from Egyptian, but little has. Came to an end in England a school of writers on German medieval history consists of struggles between crudeness. The southern portion of this lies the 14th-century castle of Sobroso, which have left the record of their in!, common thief though he was oldest of the Temple Primers 3rd,. 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